Population Studies (Social Change in India)

 Topic: Social change in india


v  Introduction

v  Concept
v  Social Change Model
v  Criteria To Understand Social Change
v  Factors of Social Change
v  Main Factors(Causes) Affecting Social Change

Introduction Of Social Change
   Social change is the alteration of mechanisms within the social structure, characterized by change in

v Cultural symbols
v  Rules of  Behavior
v  Social organization
v  Value System

Other Group Values are:
Individual Value and Society Value

Concept Of Social Change

             Social change occurs when many members of a society adopt new behaviors thst have long term and relatively important consequences:

Change is one of the most constant feature of American society.

It is difficult to predict how or at what rate a society will change.

The course of change in society depends on the nature of existing culture.

All societies are involved in a process  of social change.

The social change are also include, presented in picture

Social change can  evolve from :

A number of different sources;

Including cantact with other societies(diffusion)

Changes in the ecosystem (which can cause the loss of natural resources or widespread disease)

Technological change(epitomized by the industrial revolution) which created a new social group.

The urban proletariat

Population growth and other demographic variables.

Social change is also spurred by ideological, economic, and political movements.

Social Change Model

Types of Social Change

Civilization Change:
Change in Dress
Change in Food Habits
Change in Technologies
Change in Communications

Cultural Change:
Change in Religion
Change in New Knowledge
Change in Rituals and arts
Change in Literature

Change in Social Relationship:
Change in Father and Sons
Change in Teacher and Student
Change in Husband and Wife

Criteria to Understand Social Change

*Social Change- What helps?

*Relationship of trust with local people: ‘Starting where people are’.

*Change work is indistinguishable from practice work: ‘Service or advocacy ? It’s both’.

*Synergy between compaigns and casework : Policy and compaign priorties largely dictated by issue emerging from client feedback.

*Strong senior with capacity : the time and space to attend meetings and speak out, in order to influence staff network , coalitions and olicy.

*Independent : The importance of a degree of independence in funding, in order to speak out about local public sector policy issues.

*Communication : Being able to articulate their social change role, by thinking about where on the spectrum of social change work they are best placed to focus.

Factors of Social Change:

Some of the most  important factors of social change are as follows:
·         Physical or Social Envirnoment
·         Demographi Factor
·         Cultural Factor
·         Ideational Factor
·         Economic Factor
·         Political Factor

         Physical or Social Envirnoment:
          i.            The geographical changes are one of the primary factors of social change.
         ii.            The physical or natural forces both works in unifying or disintegrating the form of the society.
       iii.            Our society can get disrupted by natural phenomenon like storms, flood, drought etc.
       iv.            These physical or natural factors can create havoc in the social life on an individual.

        Demographic Factor:

                              i.          The demographic factor influences the nature of the social change.
                             ii.          The population, however much it is, brings social problems.
                             iii.         The population  of  a  society  rises  when  the birth-rate exceed the death rate and cice                         versa.
                              iv.          The rising of the population has consequences like poverty, unemployment and other                             related problems.
                                v.           Low birth rate signifies the disease in the size of the population.
                               vi.         There are critical consequences here as well.
                              vii.         The low population signifies, only a handful of potential skilled workers are available in                       the country/society.

          Cultural Factor:
                                 i.            The cultural factor could be one of the fundamental factors of social change.
                                 ii.           Well all know, there is an  authenticated  entity  that there  is  a  bond  between  our                                beliefs and social institutions.
                                 iii.          Cultural elements of social change include:
a.       Values
b.      Beliefs
c.       Ideas
d.      Institutions
            They all included and involve in the process of social change.

            There are two main aspects of cultural change:
                    a.       Cultural change by discovery and invention,
                    b.      Cultural change by diffusion and borrowing.

            Ideational Factor:
                                  i.            Ideational factor signifies pertaining to the formation of ideas or thoughts of objects                                not immediately present to the senses.
                                 ii.            The development of science and technology ha sa lot to do with the social change in                               society.
                                iii.           Writers could be an ideational factor of social change as we get to read their                                           interpretations and those ideas could influence the sequence of social change.
                                iv.            The ideational  factors are  the  powerful motivating forces in social change as it                                    comprises both ideas and ideologies.
             Economic Factor:
                                 i.         The most intense factor of social change is ‘Economic Factor’.
                                ii.          Momentarily it’s the era of industrialization.
                                iii.        The word ‘industrialization’ you might be well visualized with the related terms of it-
    v  Factories
         v   More employment
    v   Accelerated capitalization
                                 iv.        A  region with advanced industrialization and employment  is undoubtedly assumed to                          do well throughout.
                                  v.          It will be more developed than the area where there isn’t  any kind of sedate                                            industrialization.
                                 vi.        The economic factor of a society revolutionizes almost every aspect of people                                       existence.
                               vii.         It can either uplift the standard of living of an individual or can downgrade someone’s                           lifestyle.
                              viii.        The entire way of living, the institutions, organizations etc are impacted by this.

               Political Factor:
                                   i.            The most powerful fraction of a country is the organization which rules the country.
                                  ii.            It also controls the social relationships.
                                  iii.           As we know, the political organization has the most power in the country.
                                   iv.           It can amend laws, repeal the old laws in case of emergency and make branf new                                   laws.
                                    v.            Some of the laws which have an impact on the social change in the society:

§  Chlid marriage
§  Divorce
§  Inheritance succession
§  Widow remarriage
§  Untouchability

                                   vi.            They bought a huge change in the social structure of a society.

Main Factors(Causes) Affecting Social Change in India
v  Westernization
v  Industrialization
v  Urbanization
v  Casteism
v  Secularization
v  Social Mobility
v  Horizontal Mobility
v  Politicalisation
v  Indiansation
Man in White Crew Neck T-shirt Holding Stay At Home Signv  Modernization

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